Friday, March 12, 2010

voice in the wilderness

Even in the intense artificiality and commerce and silliness of American Idol, there are moments of honesty and truth and authenticity. This kid, Alex Lambert, is young but I think he "gets it." Sorry to say he did not get enough votes this week, and got released from the show. Click the picture or click here to watch the video of his last performance and the judges' responses.


  1. Voice in the Wilderness:

    Intellectual property infringement or imitation as the sincerest form of flattery?

  2. definitely flattery! we miss you in the choir, bring your voice back out of the wilderness!

  3. Working now with an orthopedic surgeon. Hope he can get the back and knees shaped up so I can move without debilitating pain early enough mornings to come back out of the wilderness.
